

  • Breathe well, sleep well, look well

    Breathe well, sleep well, look well

    A blocked nose is a common condition that affects 10-40% of the population. It’s commonly caused by either swelling of the nasal lining in reaction to pollutants and allergens, or structural deformities such as abent nose, deviated nasal septum or nasal polyps.

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  • Snoring


    Regular snoring affects up to 10% of the world population mainly between the decades of the 40s to 60 years frequently preceded by weight gain.

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  • Habitual snoring is this normal and what to do?

    Habitual snoring is this normal and what to do?

    Habitual snoring affects up to 10% of the world population mainly between the decades of the 40s to 60 years frequently preceded by weight gain.

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  • American Rhinologic Society
  • The-European Academy-of-Facial-Plastic-Surgery
  • ENT-UK